Monday, December 19, 2005

Bigger news..

So I decided to get out of the house this past Saturday and go to Clifton to Mr. Male's place. He'd cut his finger earlier that day, received stitches and felt like partying with a stomachful of vicodin. Sounds like fun, I guess. I arrived at his house around 9:30 and soon after sitting down and opening a beer, he let it slip that he had a piece of news that was even bigger than the information he had on Ms. Singer's bun in the oven. And so he told me and I was shocked.

What could be bigger than a pregnant belly? Well, it'd be the fact that our friend Kevin Bill proposed to his girlfriend Jessie.

Shocking. But I saw it coming and after discussing it with Allison later that night, the timing wasn't even much of a surprise. But yeah, Kevin Bill is getting married.

How about that.

I actually saw him later that night. First time in months, I think. He stopped by with Jessie and gave me a hug and told some story about wearing fingercots and something called the "rapefinger". Tasteless, but I couldn't expect any less from the guy.

But Kevin Bill is getting married.

I still can't get my head around that.

But I just started a new job at a law office as a lawyer's assistant. Easy, relaxed hours and dress code and I might get the chance to drive a Ford GT around sometime. The pay ain't bad, but it's less than I was making at Pigall's. The clincher though, are the hours. I'm so pumped to be working day shift; it's going to be amazing.

But I've gotta go to bed. I'm a bit tired as I ran for about 45 minutes at a hard pace. So much for taking it easy for a while.


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