Thursday, December 22, 2005

At work: time to kill.

The New Job dictated that I needed to be in by 9 AM, to cover the phones today while everyone else goes to lunch at my former employer. Fine with me. I bust things out in silence and then spend a couple of hours catching up on such important things as, Neus and of course, blogging like a mechanical bull. As for the New Job - it's great. I get to wear jeans, I don't get stressed out and I get paid decently. Oh, the hours are from 10-4. It's a pretty swell gig, but it's temporary without a doubt. I just had to get out of the restaurant ASAP, or I was going to lose my mind. Sure, I was making more an hour but the paycut is worth having my nights free and my sanity intact.

Oh, I also get to run errands and whatnot. Swell.

Onto other things, I've hardly been on the bike the past two weeks. Cincinnati's weather has been absolutely miserable, with the daily highs around 25-28 F. Forget doing sprints or intervals in that. But I've been running daily and I kinda enjoy it. Not as much as riding, but it keeps me in shape and it's pretty brutal on the cardio system. Plus, it only takes a minute to get ready and out the door, so that's a plus with the daylight being as scarce as it is. Riding a bike in the winter and in the dark, with tons of commuters on the way home is not my idea of a good and wholesome time. I've done it on a few occasions and I've come close to clocking out. Not my fault, of course. Maybe I'll enroll in a spin class session. I want to tear up Schabobele in February and if I want to do that, I better buckle down soon.


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