Friday, March 03, 2006


Has it really been two months since I've last posted anything? And I thought that I always had so much to say. Well, I've been busy, but that's just an excuse.

Whatever, I'm still a slacker and I'll always be one.

But this slacker just got his ass into graduate school. In fact, I was accepted into one of the more prestigious journalism graduate programs around, The Scripps Journalism School at Ohio University. Yes, I'm still in shock over the whole thing. Sure, I had some pretty strong people write letters of recommendation for me and I think my personal essay was ok, but my transcript has more than one D and F on it. Of course, I was admitted conditionally - I better bust my hump and maintain a 3.0 average or I'm screwed. But I was given the chance to prove myself and since I was setting myself up for rejection, I'm all the more pleased. My parents are thrilled, I'm ecstatic and Allison is thrilled for me.

But now Allison and I have to figure out what's going to happen next. She'll be somewhere else; in Chicago, NYC or San Francisco and I'll be in Athens. But my program only lasts a year and is pretty flexible in terms of time off, so I'll be able to visit her and vice versa. It's still going to suck hard, so to speak.

It's funny, the elation I feel from knowing that I'll be moving out of this town in the next 5 months is taking me by surprise. Sometimes I felt that I was destined to be born and to die in this town and knowing that I'll soon earn an education that'll help me gain a better foothold in the world of journalism is, well, heady stuff. I now need to sell my Prelude and save some bread, in addition to the bike racing thing and relationship business.

Man, the times are indeed changing.